A dispute on values – an independent or “dependent” court an independent or “dependent” judge





separation of powers, the independence of judges, the independence of the courts, ex iniuria non oritur ius, lex falsa lex non est, state position of the National Judiciary Council


The paper concerns standards of functioning of judiciary relevant from the point of view of a democratic legal state. It deals with a problem of separateness and independence of judiciary from other powers in the context of constitutional separation of powers. It emphasizes the importance of the independence of judges and the importance of the state position of the National Judiciary Council. The author assesses the solutions adopted in the Act of 8th December 2017 amending the Act on National Judiciary Council and in the Act of 20th December 2019 amending the Act on the Organisational Structure of Common Courts and other acts. The analysis is conducted along with the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of November 4, 2021 (no. III FSK 3626/21). The problem presented is a problem of appointing of the judges according to a new procedure: the proposal made by a „new Council” and the President’s decision to appoint a judge (assessor). The text is also a reply to prof. M. Dobrowolski’s text published in Tax Law Journal 2022, no. 4.


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How to Cite

Gomułowicz, A. (2023). A dispute on values – an independent or “dependent” court an independent or “dependent” judge. Tax Law Quarterly, (1), 195–211. https://doi.org/10.18778/1509-877X.2023.01.07




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