The importance of proper documentation of tax deductible costs for shaping the tax base in personal income tax. Gloss to the judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Poznań of 10 September 2020, reference number I SA/Po 334/20




income tax, tax expense


The issue of the gloss is the problem of properly documentation of expenses for the income tax. This is because tax authorities are opinion, that wrong documentation which consequence is discrepancy between the content of the invoice and reality makes impossible to deduct costs (expense) from the income. The author of the gloss is different opinion. He is agree with the court, that an invoice has other importance in VAT and in income tax. It makes, that the difference between the content of invoice and reality does not exclude the deduction of cost (expense) from income. If it is proved that the taxpayer has actually payed the expense, there is no obstacle to do such deduction. This belief is justified both by arguments based on the theory of tax law, as well on the analysis of income tax act.


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How to Cite

Nita, A. . (2022). The importance of proper documentation of tax deductible costs for shaping the tax base in personal income tax. Gloss to the judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Poznań of 10 September 2020, reference number I SA/Po 334/20. Tax Law Quarterly, (3), 151–162.




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