Statutory pre-conditions for exemption of the sale of agricultural land from tax on civil law transactions
agricultural land, sale, farm, tax exemptionAbstract
The Tax on Civil Law Transactions dated 9 September 2000 exempted the contract for the sale of agricultural land from the foregoing tax. The study shows that the exemption applies only in the event of collective fulfilment of conditions specified in the Act. The acquired land should be a farm or part of it, and should be used to create or enlarge a farm. Its surface area cannot be less than 11 ha and no more than 300 ha, and the buyer should run the farm for at least 5 years from the date of land acquisition. The purpose of legal regulation is to preserve the legal status of the land sold and to improve the agrarian structure in Poland. The study positively verified the hypothesis about the non-fiscal function of this exemption. Research was carried out using the sources of law, judicial decisions and the achievements of the tax law doctrine. The dogmatic law method was used as the dominant method, together with the empirical-analytical and comparative legal method.
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