A prolegomenon to the problematics of interpretation of international tax law





tax law, international tax law, interpretation of double tax agreements


International tax law is a significant part of international law. The specific subject of legal regulation here is, to a large extent, the division between sovereign states of competence to tax the same economic phenomena, especially the income obtained. It is not without significance for the interpretation of its provisions. Treaties on the prevention of double taxation (DTA) are primarily used in relations between a state and entities an persons under its tax jurisdiction. This fact determines the general application of the provisions of these agreements. A consequence of this state of affairs is the need for in-depth reflection on their content, as the consequence of interpreting these legal acts, and, consequently, also on the principles of interpreting the provisions of international tax law. The article presents the most general social and political conditions in which international tax law is created and operated.


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How to Cite

Brzeziński, B. (2021). A prolegomenon to the problematics of interpretation of international tax law. Tax Law Quarterly, (3), 9–28. https://doi.org/10.18778/1509-877X.2021.03.01




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