Substitute performance and deduction of VAT


  • Hanna Majszczyk Doradca podatkowy, ekspert Instytutu Odpowiedzialnych Finansów, of counsel w Kancelarii Prawniczej Stolarek i Wspólnicy



VAT, substitute performance, tax deduction, compensation


The subject of the article are issues related to the right to deduct tax on goods and services (VAT) in connection with the purchase by a VAT payer of goods or services from substitute contractors. The author indicates many doubts arising from the position taken in this case by the tax authorities, which question the taxpayer’s right to deduct VAT in such cases. Moreover, she points out that the position adopted by the tax authorities, according to which the purchase of goods and services from substitute contractors is by definition not related to the taxpayer’s business activity, but to activities not subject to VAT, and consequently VAT on purchased goods and services is not deductible – is wrong. The article indicates that the acquisition under the conditions of substitute performance is related to the taxpayer’s business activity and directly serves the implementation of this activity. The purpose of the goods and services purchased by the taxpayer does not change. If the purchase of goods or services from the initially selected contractor would be related to the taxpayer’s business activity, the acquisition of goods or services from substitute contractors will also be related to this activity. The change of the entity providing services (providing the delivery) does not change the purpose of their purchase by the taxpayer or their relationship with the business activity conducted by him. The taxpayer should be entitled to deduct VAT in connection with the acquisition under the conditions of substitute performance. The taxpayer’s right to deduct VAT should translate into the amount of compensation from the debtor (unreliable contractor) for substitute performance, and not the other way around.


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How to Cite

Majszczyk, H. (2021). Substitute performance and deduction of VAT. Tax Law Quarterly, (2), 21–34.




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