Strategies of Organising Childcare in the Polish Society in the Perspective of Social Inequalities




parenthood, childcare gap, family policy, social inequalities, care work


The aim of the article is to look into the problem of combining paid work with parenthood in the context of the so-called childcare gap. Childcare gap is defined here as a lack of institutional instruments that make it possible to provide care for small children. The analysis is based on qualitative research conducted in the Polish society with parents of children aged under eight. It shows that the institutional solutions of the Polish family policy reproduce economic and gender inequalities. The horizon of capa­bilities for organising childcare of parents with lower economic resources is substantially different than that of parents in a better economic situation. Women with lower resources are often forced to resign from paid employments in order to provide care for their children, whereas wealthier parents usually deal with the problem by means of using childcare institutions or hiring babysitters. The analysis also shows that regardless of the economic situation, it is mothers who are primarily responsible for providing care.


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Author Biography

Katarzyna Suwada, Instytut Socjologii UMK

Katarzyna Suwada, dr, jest adiunktką w Instytucie Socjologii UMK. Obecnie realizuje projekt badawczy do­tyczący strategii łączenia rodzicielstwa z pracą zawodową. Jej zainteresowania naukowe koncentrują się na socjologii rodziny, relacjach płciowych, nierównościach społecznych oraz polityce rodzinnej.



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How to Cite

Suwada, K. (2020). Strategies of Organising Childcare in the Polish Society in the Perspective of Social Inequalities. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 16(2), 152–169.