The Multiplicity of Realities in Select d Works by Emmanuel Carrère: Around the Literary Inspirations of Sociology




Alfred Schütz, concept of multiple realities, finite provinces of meaning, world of everyday life, Emmanuel Carrère


The concept of the multiplicity of realities developed by Alfred Schütz constitutes an important part of sociology of knowledge inspired by phenomenological ideas. A special role in this concept is played by the category of the world of everyday life, to which other “finite provinces of meaning” relate. The article is aimed at analyzing the situations in which two worlds (realities) overlap (mix) in people’s experience. At the same time, the obviousness of the world of everyday life is undermined. It is an attempt to apply Schütz’s concept of multiple realities to the analysis of such situations, with particular emphasis on the relationship between the world of everyday life and the world of fiction. Similarly to Schütz, who developed the concept of multiple realities using literary material (the case of Don Quixote), literary material (selected works by Emmanuel Carrère) will be used in this study and an attempt will be made to answer Schütz’s question about how people experience the reality. Selected works by Carrere will be subjected to content analysis, the result of which will be defining the dominant thematic fields, after which Schütz’s categories – constituting the effects of his concept of the multiplicity of realities – will be superimposed on these fields.


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Author Biography

Andrzej Kasperek, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

Dr hab., prof. UŚ. Zastępca przewodniczącego Komisji ds. Stosunków Polsko-Czeskich i Polsko-Słowackich PAN/Oddział w Katowicach, redaktor naczelny „Górnośląskich Studiów Socjologicznych” (od 2023 roku). Prowadzi badania socjologiczne nad współczesną religią, duchowością, kulturą oraz wiedzą.


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How to Cite

Kasperek, A. (2023). The Multiplicity of Realities in Select d Works by Emmanuel Carrère: Around the Literary Inspirations of Sociology. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 19(1), 22–39.


