I written on the skin. Tattoo acquisition as an identity work in individualizing Polish society


  • Agata Dziuban Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Zakład Antropologii Społecznej IS




individualization, identity, identity work, tattooing, the body, reflexivity, aestetisation, self-determination, subjectivity


The aim of my article is to examine tattoo acquisition in the context of an emerging individualized society in contemporary Poland. The theoretical framework of my project will be the widespread sociological conception of individualization process according to which structural and cultural changes – specific to late modernity – are dissembedding individuals from traditional frames of reference, giving them unprecedented scope of freedom, but simultaneously making them responsible for shaping their own identity. Referring to empirical data gathered during my research, I will try to show the role played by tattoo acquisition in the broader process of identity formation. I will distinguish two main moments of identity work: the moment of expression, where tattoo acquisition serves as a tool enabling individuals to articulate and express their own identity, and the performative moment, where tattoo acquisitions enables them to shape and negotiate their identity. In this article I will focus on two different aspects of identity work oriented towards self-creation: on creative transformation and aestetization of one’s own body and on negotiation of personal freedom and agency mediated by tattooing.


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Author Biography

Agata Dziuban, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Zakład Antropologii Społecznej IS

Agata Dziuban, adiunkt w Instytucie Socjologii UJ. Stypendystka Collegium for Advanced Studies Uniwersytetu Helsińskiego oraz Radbaud University w Nijmegen, recenzentka czasopisma „Body & Society”. Jej zainteresowania naukowe skupiają się wokół problematyki późnonowoczesnej tożsamości, współczesnych praktyk kulturowych i cielesnych, badań biograficznych oraz oral history.


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How to Cite

Dziuban, A. (2012). I written on the skin. Tattoo acquisition as an identity work in individualizing Polish society. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 8(2), 200–227. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-8069.8.2.08