Frontiers of the social worlds’ theory


  • Wiktor Marzec Uniwersytet Łódzki, Polska



Social worlds, Anselm Strauss, Symbolic Interactionism, Rational person acting, Body, Sadomasochism, BDSM, Experience


This essay opens to scrutiny the Anselm Strauss's social worlds theoretical perspective applicability borders problem. Applying a specific conceptual experiment that consists of an attempt to explore the “extreme” phenomenon of the consensual SM communities by reconstructing the foregoing phenomenon in frame of the social worlds’ theory, this argument is about to elucidate these elements of the theory, that despite of being hard to apprehend, comprise the crucial aspects of the analyzed phenomenon. A unique way of organizing the subjectively lived experience and shared definition of the situation (in this case the interpretations of sexual violence practice) could not be conceptualized on the base of the participant’s subjective self-consciousness. The symbolic interactionist tradition is indirectly based on the idea of Cartesian, self-conscious individual that mainly express its experiences on a verbal interactional level. Therefore, tracing how the notion of the person acting evolves in the interactionist and pragmatic tradition (in which Strauss's theory is rooted in), facilitates recognition of this concept’s potential limits. In fact, strict revisions in the area of subjectivity idea applied in any human and social sciences, that should not be overestimated in the foregoing context, allow a more theoretically conscious look on the social worlds’ theory


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Author Biography

Wiktor Marzec, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Polska

Wiktor Marzec – doktorant w Instytucie Socjologii UŁ i in spe magister filozofii, stypendysta MNiSW oraz Uniwersytetu w Tartu, Estonia (studia z zakresu semiotyki i gender studies). Współtworzy czasopismo Praktyka Teoretyczna ( Interesuje się kulturowymi aspektami metropolitalnej nowoczesności, kulturą nieponowoczesnej Łodzi, teorią społeczną, filozofią polityki oraz socjologią seksualności.


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How to Cite

Marzec, W. (2011). Frontiers of the social worlds’ theory. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 7(1), 3–21.


