Cinema for children in Poland – a bastard child of popular culture, an element of cultural education
film, film education, film art, children and young people’s attitude towards filmAbstract
In the mid-1950s, film sealed its place in the world of art with the voice of essentialist theories. At the same time, it did not give up its status as mass entertainment, which it had acquired at the beginning of cinematography’s development. Over the years, it has also developed its position as an educational medium, and its importance and impact on culture created the need for film studies. And although knowledge of film and cinematography is being introduced to school curricula, not only in Poland, the negative view that film is purely for entertainment purposes still prevails. Focusing on the subject outlined, the article refers to the results of research on film knowledge among children and young people, and on the cultural choices (using data on film choices) of parents and caregivers, to analyze the place and role of film in children’s and young people’s development.
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