Visual sociological research using film and video, on the example of urban studies




film and sociology, sociology of film, visual research, sociological film, city


The use of film and video in sociological research, or social sciences in general, has a long and well-established tradition. Motion pictures have, on the one hand, been the object of analysis, as in the case of sociology of film, and, on the other, they have been used as a research tool. Moreover, films can be scientific statements in their own right, as is the case with sociological film.

The use of visual methods based on both still and moving pictures works very well for exploring the physical and social space of the city. The article looks at ways of using films and the actual process of obtaining film data in sociological research. Works featuring urban themes will be considered as special cases to illustrate the author’s reflections. It is noteworthy that early cinema already showed urban space, as exemplified in the films by the Lumière brothers who, incidentally, treated their motion pictures primarily as a scientific tool.

City-related topics appear in research by film sociologists who analysed films featuring urban themes, among other things. Later, sociologists themselves began to use cameras in their studies and teaching. One way of using a camera for these purposes is simply to record observations of certain places and people’s behaviour. These video recordings are subsequently analysed, applying various methods developed in the field of sociology and other sciences. Another technique, well-suited for exploring urban space, is a mobile camera, used for example for video tours, as introduced by Sarah Pink. And, finally, sociological film focusing on the city plays a vital role in social research.


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How to Cite

Kaczmarek, J. . (2020). Visual sociological research using film and video, on the example of urban studies. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (73), 5–19.