Searching for a biographical meaning after the fall of the german democratic republic. The case of Helga Kuske


  • Joanna Wygnańska Uniwersytet Łódzki, Katedra Socjologii Kultury, Centrum Badań Biograficznych i Historii Mówionej



biographical analysis, construction of identity, symbolic universe, biographical experience of the GDR


The article focuses on the analysis of the autobiographical narrative interview with Helga Kuske. Narrator, born in the post-war decade, in East Germany, experiences biographically the symbolic universe of the German Democratic Republic as well as the trajectory associated with the biographical difficulties of coping during the systemic transformation. Case study of Ms Kuske life story oscillates between an attempt to capture her biography in the context of the post-war history of East Germany and a study of her life history with reference to the concept of the symbolic universe of Berger and Luckmann. The text also aims to show the relationship between individual biographical experience and collective processes on the example of the impact of GDR mechanisms on the process of the controlling the life course of the GDR population. 


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How to Cite

Wygnańska, J. (2018). Searching for a biographical meaning after the fall of the german democratic republic. The case of Helga Kuske. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (67), 121–140.