Between “the infeed form” and the opening to “being in dialogue” in 1947 scientific biographies


  • Edwin Olczak Uniwersytet Łódzki



philosophy of dialogue, narration, memories, pedagogy of dialogue, didactics of dialogue


The article presents memories of the student period and scientific career of retired university teachers in 1947. The background to the narration about the way of conducting classes and relations with students are the assumptions of the philosophy of dialogue. This theory has its impact on the practical aspect, because it results from both pedagogy and didactics based on dialogue. The aim is to determine the importance of dialogue in the academic career of retiring academic teachers. Information obtained from lecturers using narrative intelligence techniques may indicate a high level of dialogue both at work and in interpersonal relations. However, the impact of the philosophy of dialogue on the conduct of lecturers during classes and after their completion in relation to students was not always fully understood by them during their lifetime.


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How to Cite

Olczak, E. (2018). Between “the infeed form” and the opening to “being in dialogue” in 1947 scientific biographies. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (67), 81–101.