Football as a political institution in selected non-democratic political regimes in Europe. Comparative analysis
football, political regime, fascism, political institution, EuropeAbstract
The aim of this paper is to depict the social and political dimension of football and its role in the selected non-democratic European political regimes. By using a comparative neo-institutional analysis of four fascist regimes (Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Spain under the rule of Franco and Portugal under the rule of Salazar), a typology of analytical categories has been determined to establish the meaning of football as a social and political institution in those political systems, including the impact of the official ideology on institutionalised football and the mechanism of gaining control over football by a non-democratic rule. The comparative analysis has demonstrated both similarities and differences in the extent to which football was politicised in Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal – this has confirmed the results of other comparative studies of these regimes, but also pointed out to new dimensions of inter-relations between those political systems. This issue has not been analysed from such a broad comparative perspective as the earlier studies focused rather on an in-depth analysis of politicisation of sport in general (and not football specifically) in selected fascist regimes.
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