The social and medical aspects regarding the sexuality of people with disabilities based on examples of those suffering from multiple sclerosis
sexuality, disability, multiple sclerosisAbstract
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system resulting in a multitude of impairments that may include symptoms such as: difficulties with gait, balance, sensation, pain, bladder and/or bowel control, vision, sexuality, and cognitive function.
It has shown that sexual dysfunction is a common problem in multiple sclerosis. These are reported to occur in more than 70% of people living with MS sexual dysfunction, oftener than in other chronic disease. The etiology of sexual dysfunction is multifactorial. There are a number of causes for sexual dysfunction associated with this chronic disease, one of which includes demyelinating lesions in the central nervous system. Symptoms that occur as an effect of neural pathways dysfunction include: fatigue, spasticity, muscle weakness, or negative reactions to medications.
In addition, there are also sexual dysfunctions related to psychosocial and cultural issues which could cause a social disability of people with MS. The purpose of this article was to describe how social and medical problems are connected and how sexual dysfunction influence aspects of social life and becoming a social, not only a personal, problem.
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