From having an existential place to live in the world to losing it: a case study




existential concerns, lifeworlds, postmodernity, space


The subject of attention in the article is the problem related to: having, seeking and/or losing one’s place in the world. There are many indications that it is gaining importance today, perhaps due to the trans-formations accompanying postmodernity. To better understand this phenomenon, the article presents the results of a case study of a man who is now middle-aged. In considering his situation, however, the focus was on the earlier stages of his life: from his childhood through his teenage years and into early adulthood, in which he experienced existential homelessness. His case analysis focused on his experiences during these different stages of his life and how he tried to address them. Biographical sociology and phenomenological sociology were sources of inspiration for the analysis.


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2024-11-10 — Updated on 2025-01-03


How to Cite

Kutyło, Łukasz. (2025). From having an existential place to live in the world to losing it: a case study. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (91), 125–142. (Original work published November 10, 2024)