The Industrialization of a Post-Fordist City as a Political Question
development of postindustrial city, post-Fordism, neo-industrialisation, re-industrialisation, local development policyAbstract
The article addresses the problem of restoring industrial functions policy in the cities of developed capitalism. Since the 1970s of the 20th century change from the Fordist to the post-Fordist mode of production, globalisation and new international labor division have resulted in a de-industrialisation process that occurred in the cities of developed countries. Industrial decline caused a numerous crisis of urban areas. Overcoming this crisis should be considered as a process in which local economic systems adapt to challenges of global competition on the international market of locations. Facing these challenges leads to the development of new forms of economic organisation that are characteristic of cognitive-cultural capitalism with its paradigm of flexible accumulation and competitive advantage through creativity and innovation. In this context re-industrialisation and neo-industrialisation become the key elements in the strategies for urban development. The article discusses the ideological aspects of the industrialisation policy. Particular attention is paid to the question of “clustering policy” as a tool for stimulating economic growth. Particular negative consequences of industrial development policy are also presented.
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