Artists in Grenoble in the years 1920–1930


  • Norbert Bandier Université Lumière Lyon, Faculté d’Anthropologie de Sociologie et de Sciences Politiques image/svg+xml



Grenoble, local artist, career, sub-field


Article presents research on artists living in Grenoble in 1920–1930. The study included 220 artists related during this period with this city, mainly painters. It shows the specificity and complexity of this environment, addressing inter alia the internal migration of French artists. Author pointed the cosmopolitan character of the local art world in Grenoble, but also to foreign travel conducted by “local artists”. “Locality” is therefore not synonymous with isolation, on the contrary, it may have an international dimension. Describes, inter alia, as trips outside France affected the work of individual artists. In this university and cosmopolitan city, important symbolic place of Italy was important and references to Italian art. Attention was drawn to the fact that the artistic community of Grenoble seems to be characterized by considerable infiltration of various fields of artistic creativity and the lack of a clear separation of fine arts and applied arts in the activity of artists.


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How to Cite

Bandier, N. (2015). Artists in Grenoble in the years 1920–1930. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (53), 93–104.


