Collective memory of city inhabitants. The study of collective memory research


  • Barbara Pabjan Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Socjologii image/svg+xml



collective memory, city’s collective memory, urban space, quantitative research


The research on collective memory has few important charactersitics: it is regarded as an mulitdisciplinary field, it is dominated by the qualitative approach, there is relatively well developed theoretical analysis but less methodological reflections. The paper attempts to fill this gap by analysing the selected issues of quantitative research on collective memory and the specificity of researching the collective memory of local city community. The paper discusses the selected examples (from author’s research) illustrating such issues as the effects of quantitative measurement to understand how the collective memory is formed, the use of photographs to examine the reception of the urban space, the study of reception of the city history and the application of the natural experiment to survey techniques.


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How to Cite

Pabjan, B. (2015). Collective memory of city inhabitants. The study of collective memory research. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (54), 17–37.