Social consequences of the revitalization of Wroclaw’s Nadodrze neighborhood
urban sociology, revitalization, Wrocław, NadodrzeAbstract
This paper concerns Nadodrze, one of the districts of Wrocław, which is a place of a decades long revitalization project aimed at introducing social, economic, spacial, residential and infrastructural changes leading to a long lasting development of the area in question. It is estimated that 140.5 million zloty have been spent on the process, 42 million of which come from European Union funds. The question asked in the paper concerns the degree to which the changes caused by the revitalization of Nadodrze influence the improvement of the quality of life of the residents and how it contributes to the construction of a strong local society. The issues raised are interesting because they present the effects of revitalization through the eyes of residents and not the local authorities. The topic opens a discussion on the results and aims of revitalization. Is it planned as an ‘urban oasis’, which main aim is to construct a positive image of a city, or creating a real chance of strengthening bottom-up initiatives of the local community? Although one might point out positive aspects of urban renewal, the analysis suggests that revitalization has not caused major changes in residents’ behaviors. A description of social effects of revitalization has been conducted based on the results of Wrocław Social Diagnosis 2010 and 2014, a representative, comprising the whole of Wrocław, research on the quality of life of Wrocław inhabitants carried out the Wrocław University sociologists.
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