Socjologiczne tło cudzołóstwa w powieści Antoniego Sygietyńskiego Na skalach Calvados
The novel On the rocks o f Calvados is the first and the greatest achievement of Antoni Sygietyński’s art. The author of this article considered the work worthy of a special attention with regard to the way of presenting the problem of adultery. The writer gives the social explanation of infidelity not concentrating on the psychological side of this phenomenon. He emphasizes the decisive role of such social factors as: the origin, the model of education and the social milieu. From his point of view they exert a great influence on the main heroine’s behaviour.
The subject of the novel centres around the moral dilemmas of an individual more cultured than her fellow-citizens, who is forced to live in a primitive world. Sygietyński’s heroine, Berta – educated in a monastic school in Caen – experiences a painful disappointment after coming back to her family village. Her imagination, excited by the lecture of sentimental romances, lets her dream of an ideal, romantic love. She has high expectations of life. Unfortunately, the reality by no means resembles the literary world of stormy feelings and passions. Berta feels alienated in her own society as the lifestyle of its members conflicts definitely with her beliefs. It is worth noting that the writer shows a very striking picture of Grandcamp’s community. Its primitive and monotonous existence overwhelms the novel’s heroine. The marriage with a brutal, devoid of sensibility fisherman – Gabriel Orange – deepens much her loneliness. Small wonder then that the arrival of the French engineer to the sea-town arouses hope in Berta’s heart again. Armand de Coux seems to be an embodiment of all her yearnings. Berta Boudard commits adultery trusting that the lover will soon free her from such common and boring inhabitants of the fishermen’s village.
On the Rocks o f Calvados is not the only work that points out the sociological aspect of a marital betrayal. Thus, this opinion encourages the reader to make further literary research.
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