For reviewers

The editorial board has applied the reviewing guidelines as recommended by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education:

– A publication is assessed by two independent reviewers from outside the university department, and both the authors’ and reviewers’ identities remain concealed (double-blind review).

– The review focuses on the substantive value of the text (the level of subject innovativeness, the originality and the completion of the research assumptions, the use of the subject literature and references to the existing state of research, clarity and cohesion of reasoning, and the linguistic quality of the article).

– The review is compiled in writing and contains an explicit recommendation regarding the acceptance or rejection of the article for publication (cf. review form).

– The list of collaborating reviewers shall be made public once a year, in the end-of-the-year volume of the periodical and posted online in the last quarter of any given year.

– As far as texts in foreign languages are concerned, one of the reviewers should be affiliated with an institution located in a different country than the institution which employs the author.

– Review shall be in written form containing a clear request for admission or rejection of the publication of the reviewed article.

– The reviewers contact only the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board, they are forbidden to disclose any data on the review, and the editors mediate in interaction between the editor and the author of the paper (double blind peer review, PrePrints type).

– The reviews are not published, and are stored permanently in the archive of the journal.