When there is meaning in design? Two dimensions of the practice of designing (communication)
design, disruption, sustainable design, communication, irritation of the systemAbstract
John Thackara emphasised that 80% of the negative impact on the natural environment has its origin in design and the randomness of its application. Considering the entirety of design practices, one would have a hard time disputing this. In contemporary times, design understood as design practices has assumed a servile role in relation to big corporations. One can observe the consequences of such practices in real time: social exclusion, the lack of design consideration or consideration of end users, the failure of branding, and the polarisation of entire societies – these are only some dimensions of the current applications of design (including graphic design). Instead of the current applications, we need a change in the paradigm of both the theory of design and practical applications. Design needs a new code of application which would not only look good in social media, but would also be a clear point of reference in the design practice.
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