Contemporary communication and ratiomorphization of meaning
social communication, modern media technology, epistemology of communication, ratiomorphism, meaning, axiologyAbstract
In the article, I attempted to indicate that in modern communication, i.e. also in social life, ratiomorphism has been appearing. I define it as an unconscious, innate, genetically determined and teleonomically survival-driven cognitive faculties, skills and patterns of behavior present in all living being, including humans.
It cannot be, however, associated only with emotions or irrationalism. In modern communication dominated by the new media, ratiomorphism takes on the form of technoratiomorphism. Therefore, it is obvious that ratiomorphism also appears in the sphere of meaning.
In the pre-internet era, meaning was associated with rationality and universal values such as truth, goodness, and beauty. In the internet era, there has been a turn towards ratiomorphic values: truth is being replaced with acceptance, goodness with utility, and beauty with attractiveness.
Paradoxically, than new strategy for finding and creating meaning is a rational strategy in the contemporary communicational environment.
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