In search of linguistic meaning


  • Aleksy Awdiejew Professor emeritus, Jagiellonian University, Chair of Russian Studies at the Institute of Russia and Eastern Europe



meaning, cognitive configuration, discourse, paraphrasing, translation


The aim of the article is to define the relationship between the meaning included in an utterance and its formal shape. The author based his discussion on the study of natural communication. The notion of meaning is in the article associated with that which in communicational grammar is referred to as cognitive configuration. It is expressed through texts, but texts indicate the meaning a sender intends to send in only a conventional manner. The author stressed the mechanism of the emergence of meaning in the process of paraphrasing utterances and its consequences for the practice of translation. He included the notion of discoursive meaning assuming that every discourse has specific individual self-organisation rules without considering which communication within it would not be possible.


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Author Biography

Aleksy Awdiejew, Professor emeritus, Jagiellonian University, Chair of Russian Studies at the Institute of Russia and Eastern Europe

Aleksy Awdiejew – professor emeritus, works at the Chair of Russian Studies at the institute of Russia and Eastern Europe, Jagiellonian University. His academic focus covers: the theory and practice of communication (communication studies) – communicational awareness, communication structure, communicational grammar, communicational discourse analysis, etc. He is the author of such books as: Gramatyka interakcji werbalnej (2004), and together with G. Habrajska the co-author of Wprowadzenie do gramatyki komunikacyjnej, vol. 1 (2004) and vol. 2 (2006).


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How to Cite

Awdiejew, A. (2020). In search of linguistic meaning. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 58(3), 13–28.