Polish language studies at school in the light of student survey statements
Polish language studies at school, student, students’ interests, didacticsAbstract
The article presents results of the research conducted in 2017. It aimed at estimating how important for students of primary and secondary schools are Polish language lessons, in comparison to other subjects. The results are not surprising, however, they evoke a serious concern, since the students present lack of interest in their native language and literature. They do not perceive Polish language classes as important, nor do they reckon that these classes have any impact on their personal development. Poor knowledge of the material discussed in class raises a question if students feel that they should learn it at all, or how important it is to them. It may surprise even more, since the Polish language is also one of the subjects at the Matura exam. The author sees a chance to positively counteract the current situation in broad and comprehensive researches concerning the students, their development, needs and interests. The results of such research should be treated as a base for all the changes and reforms.
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