“I remember when at school...” On the importance of autobiographical elements not only for their authors – the students of Polish studies
pupil/student, teacher, recollections and school problems, autobiographical memory, Polish philological educationAbstract
The author of the article begins with a discussion of how specialists in the field understand the term “autobiography” and what its role is. Then, she presents the results of an analysis of autobiographical elements present in texts by 136 students starting Polish studies. In analysing the collected works, she diagnoses the places and attitudes of students who referred to stories from their own school lives, their considerations about their teachers’ ways of perceiving pupils, and the purpose of such texts. She also indicates the roles of emotions and the recollections of the personal past in creating school memories, and developing various ways of thinking about pupils, teachers, and literature. In treating those texts as diagnoses of the problems of school and school Polish education, she discusses the importance of such observations for their authors, readers and for school and university education.
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