The birth of text in the poetic laboratory of Vladimir Aristov: a discrete level model


  • Ekaterina Andreeva Kandidat filologicheskikh nauk, izdatel’skiy tsentr ‘Akademiya’
  • Vasily Vorobyov Student, Moskovskiy Politekhnicheskiy universitet, Vysshaya shkola pechati i mediaindustrii



creative history of text, draft, layers, poetry, Vladimir Aristov


In this article, the authors explore the creative method of Vladimir Aristov on the material of two poems with the involvement of the author’s comments and unique manuscripts. All stages of text creation are tracked. The unusual creative thinking of V. Aristov can be called discrete or multi-layered. In fact, each stage of his work on a poem is a separate and autonomous layer, and the creative process itself is presented in the author’s mind as a transition from one level to another. It is shown that each work is created not only in layers, but also in its final version has a multi-level structure, which is clearly reflected by splitting the text into levels using a horizontal dotted line. Finally, layer motifs are also present in the semantics of V. Aristov’s poems (layers of personal memory, layers of history, geological layers, etc.).


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Author Biographies

Ekaterina Andreeva, Kandidat filologicheskikh nauk, izdatel’skiy tsentr ‘Akademiya’

Ekaterina Andreeva, PhD, has graduated Moscow State University of Printing Arts (academic director – Georgy Vekshin). Her scientific interests are digital humanities, textual criticism,, and methods of writers’ drafts representation in digital editions. She is a manager of Videotext research group since starting (2011) and co-developer of Videotext software. Shi has edited the first digital book based on Videotext technology – “Arzrum notebook”, the collection of A. Pushkin’s poems (2015). Ekaterina has defended a PhD (Candidate of Philology) thesis “Technology of multimedia representation of text creative history in digital edition (the Videotext publishing project)” in 2018. She has published works on literary history and textology. Ekaterina is a member of ESTS and a participant of international conferences on textual criticism (Dialogue-2016; ESTS conferences in Antwerp, Alcala and Prague 2016–2018; “Writing and revision stages” Symposium in Lisbon, 2019 Genesis Krakow 2019). She is a leading editor of Moscow “Academia” Publishing House.

Vasily Vorobyov, Student, Moskovskiy Politekhnicheskiy universitet, Vysshaya shkola pechati i mediaindustrii

Vasiliy Vorobyov studies Antique Book Trade at the Higher School for Printing Arts and Media Industry of Moscow Polytechnic University. His scientific interests include Russian poetry of XIX–XXI centuries, literary theory and textual criticism. Since 2017 he is a participant in the Videotext project, working on the manuscripts of modern poets (Vladimir Aristov, Oleg Tchukhoncev). He is a participant of several international conferences (Genesis Krakow 2019, Henrich Sapgir Colloquium in RSUH – 2019, etc.), and an author of publications on poetics and textology.


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How to Cite

Andreeva, E., & Vorobyov, V. (2019). The birth of text in the poetic laboratory of Vladimir Aristov: a discrete level model. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 55(4), 217–228.