Non-canonical punctuation of Alexander S. Pushkin’s manuscripts


  • Georgy Vekshin Doktor filologicheskikh nauk, professor, Moskovskiy Politekhnicheskiy universitet, kafedra russkogo yazyka i istorii literatury



punctuation, draft, manuscript, Pushkin, functional analysis, text, genesis


The article attempts to give a functional description of the five most significant individual non-standard punctuation marks used in the manuscripts of Pushkin’s poems. A typology of basic and particular functions of punctuation is presented. The proposed description allows us to speak about the systemic nature of Pushkin’s noncanonical punctuation, in particular, about the patterns of distribution of punctuation marks. The changeable picture of punctuation in text makes it possible to form a more complete idea of the manuscript as an exponent of the creative process and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the rhythmic-syntactic composition and semantics of the text, both in its development and in the conditional final version.


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Author Biography

Georgy Vekshin, Doktor filologicheskikh nauk, professor, Moskovskiy Politekhnicheskiy universitet, kafedra russkogo yazyka i istorii literatury

Georgy V. Vekshin, Doctor of Philology, is a Professor of Linguistics and Editing and Research Groups leader, at the Institute for Editing and Journalism of the Moscow Polytechnic University, dep. of Russian Linguistics and Literary History. He has written more than 100 scientific publications and a unique linguistic monograph on the forms and functions of sound repetition in literary texts. He is the leader and main author of the Videotext digital project for genetic reading of texts, and the Phonotext project for automatic detecting of sound repetition structures in poetry, and the LSDR research project (Development of the electronic Live Stylistic Dictionary of Russian). He is a Member of The European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS), and the Commission of Genetic and Documentation Research into Literature by Polish Academy Sciences, and the Program board of Rusycystyczne Studia Literaturoznawcze – the Journal of Studies in Russian Literature, University of Silesia, Poland.


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How to Cite

Vekshin, G. (2019). Non-canonical punctuation of Alexander S. Pushkin’s manuscripts. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 55(4), 79–98.