Karol Wojtyła’s Philosophy on the Issue of Modernity





personalism, modernism, awareness, subjectivity, freedom, conscience


Karol Wojtyła’s anthropology is characterised by a synthesis of objectivity and subjectivity, and his combination of aletheic and agapic notions. By accepting the modern anthropological turn, on the one hand, he attempted in his works a synthesis of the classic philosophy of being with the philosophy of awareness, and, on the other, he strived to correct the extreme anthropocentrism of modern thought. The author of the article analysed the relationship between Wojtyła’s concept of awareness and subjectivity with the personalistic style of John Paul II’s ministry of “man as the basic path of the Church.” The other pillar of the analysis is the question about the meaning of human freedom. In Wojtyła’s thought and in the teachings of John Paul II, any discussion of freedom as the basic property of a personal being was combined with a reflection on its ethical dimension.


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Author Biography

Alfred Marek Wierzbicki, Fr., Ph.D. hab., professor of the Catholic University in Lublin, Faculty of Philology, Chair of Ethics

Fr. Alfred Marek Wierzbicki – Ph.D. hab., philosopher, poet, columnist. In 2006–2014, director of the John Paul II Institute and editor-in-chief of the Ethos quarterly. Currently, the head of the Chair of Ethics of the Catholic University of Lublin. Main areas of research: ethics, anthropology, philosophy of politics, John Paul II’s thought, modern and contemporary Italian philosophy, relationship between literature and philosophy. Author of books: The Ethics of Struggle for Liberation. Towards a Personalistic Interpretation of the Principle of Non-Violence (1992), Spotkania na placu (2001), Filozofia a totalitaryzm. Augusta Del Nocego interpretacja kryzysu moderny (2005), Na ziemi w Lublinie (2008), Polska Jana Pawła II (2011), Szeroko otwierał drzwi Kościoła (2016), Sacrum i profanum (2017), Kruche dziedzictwo. Jan Paweł II od nowa (2018). The editor of the publications: Wokół “Tryptyku rzymskiego” Jana Pawła II (2003), Nie lękajcie się! Chrystus wie co jest w człowieku (2009). He published 11 collections of poetry.


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How to Cite

Wierzbicki, A. M. (2019). Karol Wojtyła’s Philosophy on the Issue of Modernity. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 54(3), 173–185. https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.54.10