The bodyguard of “unknown God”. Searching for the idea of sacrum in the poetry of Jacek Podsiadło




The text is a fragment of the section of my doctoral dissertation. I describe the idea of sacrum in the poetry in the nineties of the 20-th century. Jacek Podsiadło, like the majority of members of so-called “bruLion” group, rejects the traditional understanding of sacrum. I describe the idea from many, very often contradictory, angles. On the one hand this is the analysis of the creation of a speaking persona as a blasphemer. On the other hand I describe how this poetry draws inspiration from the mystical religions. The beliefs connected with the East tradition are a very important part of searching for the idea of sacrum in the poetry of Jacek Podsiadło, but the most important for him seems to be the Christian values.


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How to Cite

Grzeszna, S. (2012). The bodyguard of “unknown God”. Searching for the idea of sacrum in the poetry of Jacek Podsiadło. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 18(4), 185–201.