‘My Lord is looking for a human with a lamp like Diogenes’ – the place and the role of body in the creation of the identity of characters in the drama Horsztyński by Juliusz Słowacki
Słowacki, Horsztyński, body, carnality, identity, awareness, soul, spirit, memoryAbstract
The article is an attempt to interpret one of the most fascinating works of Juliusz Słowacki – Horsztyński drama. The basis of the interpretation is carnality. The main issue of the article is the designation of the role of carnality in the construction of subjectivity of the drama’s characters. The article is divided into four sections, whose titles are quotes from the drama. Each of them concerns some issues related to the category of carnality: connection of jesters’ appearance with their spiritual degeneration, presence and soothing touch, physical suffering, and the relation body-soul-spirit. Considerations in the article aim to answer the question of the continuity of existence and the relation of awareness to the body.
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