Fulfilling the Mission of Journalism on the Local Level on the Basis of “Liberté!” – a Socio-Political Quarterly Magazine from Lodz
Liberté!, quarterly magazine, journalistic mission, Industrial Foundation, 6th DistrictAbstract
The Polish Press Act from 1984 states that “The task of a journalist is to serve society and the state”. In theory, this act guarantees the pursuit of a particular kind of mission by journalists. However, in the face of ever-worsening public debate, the fulfillment of this task seems to be more and more challenging for Polish journalists.
Błażej Lenkowski, the publisher of Liberté! – a socio-political quarterly magazine from Lodz – emphasizes that “Free media are the foundation of a free, democratic society. They provide an opportunity to control the government”. He claims also that “Media are (…) a natural platform for political and ideological debate thanks to which all citizens can find the political option closest to their heart. They have a choice. The media also provide information that is crucial during elections. They enable individuals to choose more rational options.” And this exact stance served as a lever for composing this article.
The article presented here is an analysis of the practical ways in which the journalistic mission was applied on a local level on the basis of the activities of Liberté! quarterly magazine. We shall, however, bear in mind that the actions of the organization are not limited to local ventures, but also have a European dimension due to a wide range of complementary activities undertaken by the Industrial Foundation, the magazine’s publisher. As for the magazine itself, as Leszek Jażdżewski – the Editor-in-Chief of Liberté!, has claimed, “it is non-commercial, liberal, consistent, and original. It does not have to settle for any half measures. It is a niche or elitist magazine, whatever you want to call it. Its mission is not just to write about the world but also to change it.”
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