Old and new… Ossolineum legacy after Henryk Sienkiewicz
Sienkiewicz Henryk, archive, brief, manuscript, XIX century, artefactAbstract
The archives collecting the heritage of Henryk Sienkiewicz are scattered throughout Poland. The collections include physical items such as business cards, personal items, books and clothing, as well as the writer’s manuscripts. The author of the article discusses and describes the contents of the Ossolinsky Collection, which can be divided into two parts: The first – manuscripts and briefs collected in the middle of the 20th century, and the second – new additions, recovered by the Ossolineum in 2018. This new Henryk Sienkiewicz Archive changes somewhat the profile of the stored memorabilia and souvenirs. It’s no longer just manuscripts and letters, but photographs, as well as personal items of the writer and mementos of Sienkiewicz’s loved ones.
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- 2024-04-18 (2)
- 2023-12-30 (1)
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