Wcielenie słowa: On the drafts of the poem To Piotr by Tadeusz Różewicz
Tadeusz Różewicz, Polish poetry, manuscripts, literary archives, PłaskorzeźbaAbstract
In the frame of the poetic works of Tadeusz Różewicz has been observed and widely studied his inclination to avoid the closed form of his poems, changing and proposing them in different volumes in order to renew their meanings. What is still to be studied in depth, however, is the creative process regarding his unpublished works, such as the preparatory drafts kept in his archive.
Genetic studies are a precious key to discover Różewicz’s creative process as well as some aspects of his poetics, which in the published works remain rather clouded.
In this paper I would like to analyse the manuscripts of one poem from Płaskorzeźba [Bas-Relief, 1991], that is Do Piotra [To Piotr]. Among the most important features of this drafts take placed numerous biblical citations which disclose a religious way of reading the poem, that completely disappears in the published form of To Piotr.
From the analysis of these drafts some interesting interconnections with other poems of Bas-Relief are also to be found, exposing a much deeper level of interpretation of the entire volume.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.55.11
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