“The Flying Dutchman” of Belarusian poetry: the collection Nea-lit as a literary phenomenon
text, image, version, publication, experimentAbstract
The purpose of the proposed work is to analyze the status of the collection Nea-lit (1993–1994) in Belarusian literary process of the 1990s. The research material is the layout of this book from the private archive of the poet Viktar Zhybul. Such literary record has not yet been made public or put into scientific circulation.
The peculiarities of Nea-lit are illuminated in the general conceptual, textual and genre-stylistic aspects.
Among other things, the anthology manifested the crystallization of new literature. In addition, the collection included versions of poems by Sierzh Minskievich, Illia Sin, Alies Turovich, different from later publications. In the end, Nea-lit became a platform for searching for actual imaginative language. Within the project of the book radical translogical experiments and unusual genre of ‘panphile’ were outlined, images of urban space with accentuated motifs of corporeality prevailed.
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