Tragedy, absurdity, paradox – around Walter Hilsbecher’s dictionary of concepts




tragedy, absurdity, paradox, philosophy of absurdity, Walter Hilsbecher


In this article, I make an attempt to define terms such as: tragedy, absurdity, and paradox as conceived of by the German essayist Walter Hilsbecher. This is a task which is both difficult and interesting, mainly because of the fact that concepts from within speculative philosophy are relatively rarely subject to scrupulous definitions. The reason for this state of affairs lies in the difficulty to capture the meaning of these concepts within a rigid framework. These problems also appear in Hilsbecher’s 1972 work titled Tragizm, absurd, paradoks [Tragedy, Absurd, Paradox]. The philosophy of the absurd – the methodological separation of which I propose – has the absurd for its central concept, but it is a concept which eludes sharp definitions, too. This article aims to reconstruct Hilsbecher’s vocabulary of concepts crucial to the philosophy of absurdity in reference to the tradition of contemporary speculative philosophy. By locating the German writer’s thought in the context of other authors working in a similar thematic and stylistic context (such as A. Camus or H. Bergson), I will outline this specific strand of philosophy.


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Author Biography

Paulina Frankiewicz, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Filozoficzno‑Historyczny, Instytut Filozofii, ul. W.H. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź

Paulina Frankiewicz, doktorantka w Instytucie Filozofii Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Zajmuje się filozofią absurdu, postuluje jej wyodrębnienie jako nurtu z pogranicza filozofii i literatury. Animatorka kultury, właścicielka kameralnej księgarni Do Dzieła w Łodzi. Członkini redakcji czasopisma „Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica”.


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How to Cite

Frankiewicz, P. (2021). Tragedy, absurdity, paradox – around Walter Hilsbecher’s dictionary of concepts. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 63(4), 111–126.