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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to all of the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Editorial instructions, which is found in "For Authors".
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • The Author declares that the Work is an original creation and that they hold the copyright to it, both moral and economic rights.
  • The Author declares that the Work does not contain any defamatory content or content infringing upon the personal rights of others and that they are not aware of any circumstances that could expose the University to liability toward third parties as a result of publishing or distributing the Work.
  • The Author acknowledges that in the event of making false declarations, they will be held liable for any damages incurred by the University of Łódź.
  • The Author grants the University of Łódź, represented by the Łódź University Press, a non-exclusive license to use the economic copyrights to the Work in all fields of exploitation specified in Article 50 of the Act of February 4, 1994, on Copyright and Related Rights, as well as in open access, including under the terms of a Creative Commons license. The license also includes the right to grant sublicenses in the specified fields of exploitation.
  • The license is unlimited in terms of territory and is granted for a period of 70 (seventy) years.

  • In connection with the implementation of the open access policy for scientific publications, the University of Łódź utilizes the Author's authorization to deposit the Work in the University Repository and other distribution platforms, while the Author undertakes not to terminate the license agreement for the entire duration of its term.
  • The Author is not entitled to remuneration for the creation of the Work, its submission to the Publisher, or the granting of license rights. The Parties mutually agree that the Author will receive an author’s copy in the form of a PDF file for printing, containing only the part of the Work to which the Author holds moral copyright.

Author Guidelines

The article proposed for publication should be edited in the Word editor in accordance with the following conclusions: 

1. Information about Author in separate file: Author's name and surname, author's affiliation with the exact postal address of the represented institution (in order: academic title, university, faculty, institute, cathedral, plant, postal address, email the author), ORCID number. Please remove the author's data from the file properties field. 

2. A4 paper-size; all margins 2.5 cm. Text font: Times New Roman 12 points; footnote font: Times New Roman 10 points Text spacing: 1.5; Leading of footnotes: 1. Paragraph indentation in the text and footnotes: 1.25 cm. Article text and footnotes aligned to left margin, without hyphenation. 

3. Text title: centered, bold, simple font; if the article was created as part of a grant, presents the results of research having its own source of financing, other entities, etc. took part in its creation, the title should be provided with a footnote reference and appropriate information should be provided. 

4. Headings (if any): separated before and after the space (1 verse), centered, bold. 

5. Each graphic element (table, graph, photo etc.) in the text should bear the title (e.g. Table 3 Xxxxx) and information about the source (Source: xxxxx). 

6. Distinctions in the text: bold; please do not use other types of hightlights. 

7. Quotes shorter than 3 verses: without separation from the main text, in quotation marks ("..."); citation in the citation: chevrons, so-called German (»...«). 

8. Longer quotes (min. 3 lines): separated before and after space (1 line), font 10 points, paragraph indentation of the first line 1.25 cm; please check the quotations carefully and follow the verse boundaries in poetic texts. 

9. Please provide the exact location of the quotes. 

10. Persons mentioned in the text for the first time should be identified by their full name. 

11. Works titles (books, articles, poems): in italics, without quotation marks. 

12. Titles of newspapers, magazines and television programs: in quotation marks, without italics. 

13. Foreign words and phrases: in italics. 

14. Author's remarks (including omissions in quotes): in square brackets. 

15. Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page and edited according to the traditional pattern 


W. Gombrowicz, Journal 1953–1969, Literary Publishing House, Cracow 2013.
P. Grabarczyk, About opposition hardcore/casual, “Homo Ludens” 2015, no. 1(7), pp. 89–109.
L. Manovich, Language of the new media, transl. P. Cypryański, Publishers Academic and Professional, Warsaw 2006, pp. 83.
Navigation is a key element of newspaper design, J. Urbanowicz in discussion with J. Mignon, [access: 18.06.2009].
Pleszkun-Olejniczakowa, Poles and Jews in modern radio report, “Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica” 2007, no. 9, pp. 388–390.
Szymanek, Porównanie, in: idem, The art of argumentation. Terminology dictionary, Scientific Publishing House PWN, Warsaw 2008, pp. 239.

 * Footnotes should be written in their original languages. 

Additional information: 

In footnotes for previously cited items, please use abbreviations: op. cit., See, ibid., The same, here, ed., Quotation: 

For the second and subsequent citations of different works by the same author, please indicate the beginning of the title with an ellipsis (e.g. L. Manovich, Language..., p. 266) or the entire title if it is short (e.g. K. Szymanek, Comparison, p. 239). 

When quoting the second and subsequent quotations of the only work of a given author, please provide only the initial of the first name, last name, the abbreviation "op. cit." and page number (e.g. L. Manovich, op. cit., p. 266). 

Please provide the number and any other designation of the book (e.g. 4th edition and supplement). Please provide the name of the translator (transl.). 

16. A condition of publication is to prepare a bibliography in a traditional style according to the following guidelines: 


Eco Umberto, Absent structure, KR Publishing House, Warsaw 1996. 
New media in social communication in XX century. Anthology, ed. M. Hopfinger, second revised edition, Scientific Annexe, Warsaw 2005. 
Fikus Dariusz, Brain teaser, “Rzeczpospolita” 1991, no. 253, pp. 6–7. 
Poczobut Robert, Brain ontology: impossible or essential? Methodological impressions, “Literary-Philosophical Review” 2003, no. 4, pp. 203–218. 
Warda Michał, Eagle’s shadow – new face of “Rzeczpospolita”, cien.Nowe.oblicze.Rzeczpospolitej.html [access: 18.06.2009].  

 Additional information 

Please provide full names of authors. 

Please enter the place and date of issue and publisher. 

Please provide page ranges of articles published in magazines and collective volumes.  

 17. A condition of publication is the preparation of keywords and summaries in English.

18. The text of the article should be prepared according to the following arrangement (taking into account the above guidelines):

abstract in English (approx. 700–1000 characters) 
author's name and surname (star footnote) 
title of the article 
proper article text 
author's name
title in Polish
summary in Polish (approx. 700–1000 characters)
keywords in Polish
the title of the article in Englisch
keywords in Englisch
autobiographical note (approx. 700–1000 characters)

In case of doubt, please check the layout of the elements in any article from the latest published online issue of the „Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica”.