“Life is Beautiful” (“Życie jest piękne”). A Short Study of a Radio Reportage Series of the Głos Ewangelii Foundation





radio, report, mission, religiosity


The article discusses the radio reports prepared by the Głos Ewangelii Foundation. The Życie jest piękne series was analysed and interpreted in terms of the themes, the sound effects used, and the presence of religious themes and the notion of God. The selected audio material also enabled the researchers to indicate the general qualities of the reporting style of the Głos Ewangelii Foundation.


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Author Biographies

Joanna Bachura-Wojtasik, Ph.D., University of Lodz, Faculty of Philology, Chair of Journalism and Social Communication,

Joanna Bachura-Wojtasik – Ph.D., assistant professor at the Chair of Journalism and Social Communication, University of Lodz, media researchers, and theoretician of radio. She is the author of Odsłony wyobraźni. Współczesne słuchowisko radiowe (2012), and the co-author (together with Elżbieta Pleszkun-Olejniczakowa and Aleksandra Pawlik) of Dwa Teatry. Studia z zakresu teorii i interpretacji sztuki słuchowiskowej (2011). The basic theme of her academic interests is media research, particularly artistic radio genres: the radio drama, the report, and the feature. She is also interested in contemporary culture – its changes, qualities, functions, and the anthropology of culture. She is the secretary for journalistic issues of the Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica journal.

Paulina Czarnek-Wnuk, Ph.D., University of Lodz, Faculty of Philology, Chair of Journalism and Social Communication

Paulina Czarnek-Wnuk – Ph.D., assistant professor at the Chair of Journalism and Social Communication, University of Lodz, member of Łódzka Szkoła Radioznawcza (Łódź Radio Research School). She is the author of a doctoral dissertation entitled Rodzaje rozrywki w polskiej radiofonii komercyjnej, which she defended in 2015, over 30 academic papers published in journals and monographs, and the editor of a collective monograph and two issues of an indexed academic journal. She participated in over 40 conferences, both in Poland and abroad. She conducts research into the broadly understood notion of the audio medium focussing on such areas as: entertainment on the radio, the radio report, mutlimodality of radio, the new media faces of radio (in particular: mobile apps of radio stations, and the communities created by the broadcasters online), sound visualisation, sound ecology, and soundscape.

Kinga Sygizman, Ph.D., University of Lodz, Faculty of Philology, Chair of Journalism and Social Communication

Kinga Sygizman – Ph.D., assistant professor at the Chair of Journalism and Social Communication, University of Lodz. Member of Łódzka Szkoła Radioznawcza. She is the author of academic papers on radio artistic works, mainly radio reports. In her research, she focusses on the theory of genre and radio narration, and she also draws from the narrative identity and the philosophy of meeting. She is the author of Radiowe reportaże o krzywdzie i cierpieniu (2011). In recent years she has participated in projects which consisted of creating audio descriptions for the visually impaired.


A telephone conversation between the authors of this article and Waldemar Kasperczak conducted on 12 July 2018. The recorded conversation is kept by the authors.
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How to Cite

Bachura-Wojtasik, J., Czarnek-Wnuk, P., & Sygizman, K. (2019). “Life is Beautiful” (“Życie jest piękne”). A Short Study of a Radio Reportage Series of the Głos Ewangelii Foundation. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 54(3), 247–259. https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.54.15

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