Against Eloquence: Irish Drama at Century’s End


  • Nicholas Grene Trinity College Dublin, School of English, College Green image/svg+xml



Irish drama, J.M. Synge, B. Friel, M. McDonagh


Synge, with his “fully-flavoured” Hiberno-English established a tradition of Irish theatrical eloquence that has come down into the contemporary period in the lyrical fluencies of Brian Friel, the vatic speech of Frank McGuinness and the Midlands poeticism of Marina Carr. Tom Murphy, however, set a different sort of precedent, resistant to such eloquence, forging a stage speech instead from the broken language of the inarticulate. The aim of this paper is to explore the rejection of ‘poetry talk’ in contemporary Irish drama, and the various ideolects created by Billy Roche, Conor McPherson, Martin Mc- Donagh, Mark O’Rowe and Enda Walsh.


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Author Biography

Nicholas Grene, Trinity College Dublin, School of English, College Green

Nicholas Grene: profesor literatury angielskiej w Trinity College w Dublinie, honorowy członek Rady Wydziału, członek Royal Irish Academy. Jego zainteresowania badawcze obejmują dramat i teatr szekspirowski oraz literaturę irlandzką. Grene jest autorem następujących książek: Bernard Shaw: a Critical View (Macmillan, 1984), Shakespeare’s Tragic Imagination (Macmillan, 1992), The Politics of Irish Drama (Cambridge University Press, 1999) and Shakespeare’s Serial History Plays (Oxford University Press, 2002). Do najnowszych publikacji Nicholasa Grene’a należą: Yeats’s Poetic Codes (Oxford University Press, 2008), Major Barbara (Methuen, New Mermaids Edition, 2008), Synge and Edwardian Ireland (Oxford University Press, 2011, współredakcja z Brianem Cliffem), Home on the Stage: Domestic Spaces in Modern Drama (Cambridge University Press, 2014).


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How to Cite

Grene, N. (2014). Against Eloquence: Irish Drama at Century’s End. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 24(2), 7–27.