The Feature in Radio – the Elusiveness of the Genre’s Determinants. Notes on the Prix Europa Festival in the Years 2012 and 2013 in the Context of Literary Genetics


  • Joanna Bachura-Wojtasik University of Lodz, Faculty of Philology, Department of Journalism and Public Communication
  • Kinga Klimczak University of Lodz, Faculty of Philology, Department of Journalism and Public Communication


Słowa kluczowe:

feature, artistic radio, Prix Europa Festival


The goal of the article is to answer the question: what do radio broadcasters in the West understand to be a ‘feature’? A lack of clarity in terminology in this respect was especially visible during the Prix Europa 2012 and 2013 festivals. The article begins with an outline of the term ‘feature’, followed by discussion of relevant festival categories, and ending with a presentation of several selected audio examples that indicate both the characteristics of the genre and cases where, in spite of divergences from these qualities, the term ‘feature’ continues to function.



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Jak cytować

Bachura-Wojtasik, J., & Klimczak, K. (2017). The Feature in Radio – the Elusiveness of the Genre’s Determinants. Notes on the Prix Europa Festival in the Years 2012 and 2013 in the Context of Literary Genetics. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 35(5), 141–158.




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