I. Texts should be formatted according to the following rules: B5 format, Bookman Old Style, font of 11/13 point for the main text and 9/11 point for the footnotes.
The text should contain summaries (not exceeding one page of the printout), the keywords in Polish and English, as well as a bibliography broken down into: archival sources, printed sources, press, studies and netography. The ready text should be placed in electronic form on the University of Lodz Journals’s Platform, after the account has been created on it. Detailed information on setting up an account on the Platform can be found in the Guidebook of the University of Lodz Publishing House.
- To each text should be enclosed a summary in Polish and English, not exceeding 1/2 page of the typescript, as well as keywords (maximum 5) in both languages and a bibliography divided into archive sources, printed sources, press and studies.
II. First page of an article or a review article: full name and affiliation of the author at the top left side of the page. Below, in the middle, the title of an article.
III. Other kinds of texts.
- In a review there should be given a heading: full name of the author of the reviewed work, full title according to the title page (if it is a review of the edited work or source edition after the title there should be given full names of editors; for multi-volume works – number of volumes in Roman numerals, e.g. vol. I–II), publishing house, place and year of the publication, number of pages, e.g. pp. 254, optionally title of the publishing series. In headlines, abbreviations taken from the language of the reviewed work should be used, e.g. ed., hrsg. von, vol. I–II, Bd. I–II etc. Full name and affiliation of the author of the review should be given after the main text at the right side of the page.
- Obituaries: the title should contain title or scientific degree as well as full name of the deceased person followed by years of birth and death given in round brackets. Full name of the obituary’s author as in a review article.
IV. Titles and quotations.
- Titles of works and documents:
- Manuscripts: original titles of documents should be given in quotation marks, while titles given by the author of the text – without quotation marks.
- Literature: titles of works and documents in italics.
- Quotations:
- Sources quoted in the main text should be translated. In the footnotes, however, the original version should be given.
- For Slavic Cyrillic alphabets quotes in the main text and footnotes should be given in transcription (this remark also applies to references).
- Excerpts of the quoted text should be written down as ellipsis in square brackets […]
V. Spelling of full names and other expressions that specify people.
- Original spelling of full names should be used. For Cyrillic alphabets the transcription should be given. This remark does not apply to the well-known people, rulers or saints.
- First names of people mentioned in the text or in the footnotes for the first time should be quoted in full. Later on, initials of the first name (first names) and the last name could be given. This remark also applies to archival sources.
- No titles or scientific degrees should be given for persons mentioned in reviews. This rule does not apply to obituaries where the deceased person is described.
- In reviews a word „Author” should begin with a capital letter if it refers the author of the reviewed work.
- In obituaries expressions that specify the deceased person should begin with a capital letter.
VI. Abbreviations, dates and numerals.
- Well-known abbreviations should be used throughout the text: etc., e.g. and others.
- Dates in the main text:
- Month written in words, e.g. 23 February 1925. b) Different styles (calendars), e.g. 15/25 May 1590, 27 February/11 March 1898.
- Periods from to, e.g. 1–10 May 1700, 3 April–8 October 2003.
- Dates given in brackets: month should be given in Roman numerals, e.g. (3 III 1735).
- Dates in the footnotes:
- Month should be given in Roman numerals, e.g. 6 V 1735 (this remark does not apply to quotations).
- When there are only month and year given, the month should be always written in words, e.g. in June of 1746.
- In the terms „seventeenth century”, „seventies of the twentieth century” etc. numbers are written in words.
- Numerals:
- In numbers of more than three digits a comma after every third digit from right to left should be used, e.g. 2,359; 12,578; 357,682.
- A period should be used as a decimal separator, e.g. 12,365.3, 2.5 million.
- Big numbers could be written as follows: 5 thousand, 6 million, 10 billion etc.
VII. Rules similar to those used in the main text should be applied to the footnotes. A reference that appears in the main text should be placed before a comma, semicolon or full stop. In the footnotes there should be used Latin abbreviations like ibidem, idem, eadem, op. cit., loc. cit. or other abbreviations taken from the main text. If there are two works of the same author, after initials of the first name and last name a shortened version of the title of the work to which we refer should be given.
VIII. References.
- Journals – initials of the first name, last name of the author, title of the article (italics), title of the journal (quotation marks), year of publication, volume (Roman numerals), number or issue (Arabic numerals), pages, e.g.: W. Szczygielski, Polskie priorytety sejmowe w reformie ustroju państwa w okresie Oświecenia (1764–1792), „Przegląd Nauk Historycznych” 2006, vol. V, No. 2 (10), p. 29–72.
- Publishing series – initials of the first name, last name of the author, title of the text (italics), place and year of publication, title of the series and number of volumes, pages, e.g. J. Tyszkiewicz, Średniowieczne granice wytyczone wzdłuż rzek w Europie Środkowej, [in:] Z dziejów średniowiecznej Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, red. idem, Warszawa 2007, Fasciculi Historici Novi, vol. VI, p. 145–152. For joint publications after the title of the text “[in:]” should be given after a comma and later on, the title of the joint publication (italics) with initials of the first name and last name of the editor, e.g. A. Szymczakowa, Starania o kościół w Chojnach w 1488 r., [in:] In tempore bellis et pacis. Ludzie – miejsca – przedmioty. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana prof. dr. hab. Janowi Szymczakowi w 65-lecie urodzin i 40-lecie pracy naukowo-dydaktycznej, red. T. Grabarczyk, A. Kowalska-Pietrzak, T. Nowak, Warszawa 2011, p. 477–482.
- Texts of serial joint publications should be treated as articles in journals (titles of publications in quotation marks), e.g. M. Karkocha, Proces i stracenie Ludwika XVI w świetle prasy warszawskiej z lat 1792–1793, „Acta Universitatis Lodziensis”, Folia Historica 85, 2010, p. 77–95.
- Biographical notes in the Polish Biographical Dictionary should be treated as articles in serial publications, e.g. Z. Anusik, Potocki Jerzy Michał, [in:] Polski słownik biograficzny [hereinafter: PSB], vol. XXVIII, Wrocław 1984–1985, p. 44–47.
- Abbreviations should be used as in the language of the quoted work, e.g. red., ed., wyd., oprac. etc.
- In references to publications in Slavic Cyrillic alphabets a transcription should be used.
- Descriptions of archives and manuscripts should be modernised according to the rules given in the publishing instructions for medieval and modern sources.
- References to archive sources should be as follows: Jerzy Michał Potocki to Ignacy Potocki, Stockholm 24 II 1793, The Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw [hereinafter: AGAD], The Public Archive of the Potocki Family [hereinafter: APP] No. 227, p. 246; Uniwersał Jana III do szlachty sieradzkiej, Gdańsk 4 X 1677, AGAD, Księgi Sieradzkie Grodzkie Relacje [hereinafter: SG. Rel.], p. 594–595v., 827–828; Lars von Engeström to Gustav III, Warsaw 25 I 1791, Riksarkivet in Stockholm [hereinafter: RA], Polonica vol. 245, no page numbering.
- References to old prints should not be modernised; yet, spelling in the texts of the nineteenth and twentieth century should be modernised.
IX. Ilustrations: an alternative text:
An alternative text is textual information about what you see in a graphic element that is relevant to the text or topic that the element illustrates. Alternative texts are read by a screen reader and allow people with blindness or vision impairment to see what is, for example, in a given graphic, photo or chart. Graphic elements without an alternative description will be read by the assistive software for visually impaired people as the word ‘graphic’, so they will not get any other information that this ‘graphic’ is supposed to convey.
Recommendations for creating alternative texts: