The account of Slavic Rani in the medieval chronicles of Helmold and Saxo Grammaticus




Slavs, Rugen, medieval chronicles, paganism, Christianization


The Rani, a west Slavic tribe based on the island of Rugen, built an empire existing until 12th century. In 1168 Rani were defeated by Danish king Valdemar I, resulting in the conversion of the tribe to Christianity. The Chronica Slavorum by Helmoldus and Gesta Danorum by Saxo Grammaticus are quite commonly quoted sources in the debate concerning Slavic paganism and the attempts of its Christianization. What constitutes high-value Helmoldus’ and Saxo’s works is the fact that the chronicles are an essential and primary sources when it comes to the history of the Polabian tribes – their territories and their neighboring peoples. It is also a vital link in the account of the course of Christianization on the Polabian territory. After the invasion of The Danish king Valdemar I the pagan temple, situated on the island, was destroyed and both the territorial and religious autonomy of the Rani ended. At the tip of Arkona in recent centuries, the cliffs have collapsed into the sea and the chronicles still remain as witnesses of the Slavic history of Rugen.


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How to Cite

Galas, I. (2020). The account of Slavic Rani in the medieval chronicles of Helmold and Saxo Grammaticus. Przegląd Nauk Historycznych Review of Historical Sciences, 19(1), 203–214.

