From history of the NKVD “national operations” of 1937–1938 in Kirghizia. Repressions against ethnic minorities (by the example of Polish nationality)


  • Bołotbek Dżumaszowicz Abdrachmanow Kyrgyzski Państwowy Uniwersytet im. I. Arabajewa, Wydział Historii i Edukacji Społeczno-Prawnej, Katedra Historii Kirgistanu i Etnologi
  • Sałtanat Urumowna Asekowa Kyrgyzski Państwowy Uniwersytet im. I. Arabajewa, Wydział Historii i Edukacji Społeczno-Prawnej, Katedra Historii Kirgistanu i Etnologii



mass terror in the USSR 1937–1938, state security agencies of the USSR, “Polish operation” of the NKVD in Kyrgyzstan, “technology” of the NKVD repression


A breakthrough in the unleashing of mass terror in the USSR was the February– March Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (b) (1937), which initiated the activities of the NKVD to liquidate “counter-revolutionary elements”. Parallel to these activities, from July 1937 to November 1938, operations were carried out against “hostile nationalities” – a potential “fifth column”, “insurgent base” in case of war. They included all layers of the population. More than 335,000 people were convicted at that time, almost 74% of whom were shot. The main goal was to destroy the remains of “nationalist elements” – a base for foreign intelligence services. On the example of this operation in Kyrgyzstan were presented its stages (preparation, arrest, investigation, sentence) and “technology” of repression. Referring to the “Polish operation” of the NKVD, more detailed archival information about Ludwik Krynicki’s case was provided. An analysis of the national origin of 137 victims was carried out, the remains of which were excavated in Czon-Tasz, as well as the national composition of almost 21 thousand people repressed in Kyrgyzstan in 1918–1953 (including 180 Poles).


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How to Cite

Dżumaszowicz Abdrachmanow, B., & Urumowna Asekowa, S. (2019). From history of the NKVD “national operations” of 1937–1938 in Kirghizia. Repressions against ethnic minorities (by the example of Polish nationality). Przegląd Nauk Historycznych Review of Historical Sciences, 18(1), 123–141.


