The rope in heraldry of the queen dowager Maria Kazimiera d’Arquien Sobieska
heraldry, widowhood, Sobieski family, FranceAbstract
The work concerns on heraldic-genealogical element, which was the Fran-ciscan string from the coat of arms of the queen dowager Marie Casimire d’Arquien Sobieska, omitted in the previous studies. The first part disscused the traditions of its applicability dating back to the fifteenth century and the circle of the Breton Dukes’ court. It also shows the establishment of this tradition in the heraldry of the Kapetin dynasty and its two branches – Valois and Bourbons. A process was presented, according to which the string from the personal emblem associated with the dukedom in Brittany transformed into an element symbolizing 74 the widowship of the queens of France. Then, in the seventeenth century the string became the signe of widows from the aristocratic sphere. Here are given the arguments of heraldry exhibited on seals, medals, portraits engravings and objects of everyday use, for example the books covers. In the second part, were considered the reasons why Marie Casimire Sobieska joining to her coat of arms the symbol of a Franciscan string. Her actions were recognized as a conscious creation, aiming to exalt her majesty after 1696 and to emphasize the relationship with the royal house of France.
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