Elementary schools in the Lublin region during the Austrian occupation (1915–1917)
elementary schools, Lublin region, 19th–20th century, partitions, Austrian occupationAbstract
The main aim of the article is to describe the state of Polish elementary education in the Lublin region during World War I, before Poland regained independence. Elementary education of the described period was based mainly on small one-class schools with one teacher, only in larger urban centers there were multiclass schools. Thanks to the great involvement of many social activists (landowners, clergy), and ordinary citizens, the beginning of the 20th century was characterized by an unprecedented increase in the number of schools that made education available to thousands of children and adolescents. Despite the war damage, the lack of school infrastructure, the shortage of teaching staff, the mobilization of the society and the favorable attitude of the Austrian authorities in this matter, in the years 1915–1917 led to an increase in the number of elementary schools from 426 to 1,345. As a result, the number of students covered by education increased from about 30,000 in 1915 to over 100,000 in 1917. An important achievement was also the transfer by the Austrian authorities of jurisdiction over education to the Polish administration a year before regaining independence. Despite intensified efforts, within a few years it was not possible to catch up with the educational policy of the Russian authorities implemented throughout the 19th century, but it was an extremely important beginning for the revival and organization of Polish education in the following years. The article is based on archival sources and studies from the beginning of the 20th century, showing the state of education not only in urban centers, but also in villages. Thanks to the preserved reports, it gives the opportunity to get to know the detailed network of schools, which may be a contribution to undertaking further research in this matter.
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