In memory of Professor Stefan Pytlas (1945–2020) – an outstanding expert on the history of industrial Lodz
Professor Stefan Pytlas, historian, University of Lodz, memoryAbstract
On February 23, 2020, retired associate professor of the University of Lodz, Stefan Pytlas, passed away. He is certainly one of the few most outstanding experts in the history of industrial Lodz, and in particular of the Lodz bourgeoisie. His monograph on this social group in the years 1864–1914 entered permanently into the canons of Polish historiography. The deceased professor was for two terms the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Lodz and in the last years of his employment at this university he headed the Department of Polish History of the 19th century. In addition, for half a century he was associated with the activities of the Polish Historical Society, in which in 1997–2003 he was the president of the Łódź Branch. For many years he was involved in the editorial work of the Lodz Yearbook (“Rocznik Łódzki”), and in 1995–1997 he was the editor-in-chief of this oldest scientific journal in Lodz.
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