How to govern the city? Polish debates about urban policy during the First World War




living conditions during the World War I, Kingdom of Poland, citizen’s committees, urban self-government, municipal socialism, urban elections


The subject of the article are Polish debates on urban policy during the First World War. This four-year period of time was, on the one hand, a huge economic and humanitarian crisis in the cities of the Kingdom of Poland. On the other hand, society achieved the possibility of self-organization through the organization of civic committees, but later also by taking part in municipal elections to councils established in the areas occupied by Central Powers and political campaigns in Warsaw or Łódź – two biggest and the most important cities in the Kingdom of Poland. Author analyzes the most representative aspects of an urban discourse from that period (including press and specialist literature published in Warsaw and Łódź), with particular emphasis on the issue of the dispute about the optimal shape of urban policy, scope of the self-government and the proper direction of urban development on the eve of Poland’s regaining independence and other Central and Eastern European countries. although the issue of municipal self-government appeared in almost every newspaper at that time, the new framework for city politics in Poland emerged in discussions between specialists and authors with the biggest knowledge and longtime experience in writing about this subject.


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Author Biography

Kamil Śmiechowski, University of Lodz

Dr Kamil Śmiechowski – historian, PhD in history of Poland, assistant professor in the Institute of History and the scientific secretary of the Interdisciplinary Center for Urban Studies, University of Łódź. Recently, he has concluded a post-doc research project on urban discourse in the Kingdom of Poland at the turn of the 20th century, supported by the National Science Center in Poland.

Research interests: urban theory, analyses of press discourse, processes of modernization in the 19th- and 20th-century Poland, and history of Łódź.


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How to Cite

Śmiechowski, K. (2021). How to govern the city? Polish debates about urban policy during the First World War. Przegląd Nauk Historycznych Review of Historical Sciences, 20(2), 49–78.


