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The position of chrematonomastics in Scandinavia


  • Agata Michnowska Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu image/svg+xml



chrematonomastics, chrematonym, Scandinavia


The subject of this article is the current state of research on chrematonyms in the Nordic countries, i.e. Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the Faroe Islands. Chrematonomastics, unlike anthro- and toponomastics, has not yet established itself among the Nordic onomasticians. The author presents terminological problems faced by Nordic researchers trying to determine the scope of meaning of the Swedish term övriga namn (‘other proper names’), used by Scandinavians to designate chrematonyms. The proposals of two prominent Scandinavian onomasticians (K. Leibring and B. Pamp) regarding the creation of more precise subcategories of other proper names, which in the long run would facilitate more in-depth research on this group of onyms, are also described.


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How to Cite

Michnowska, A. (2024). The position of chrematonomastics in Scandinavia. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 58(1), 155–165.