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Some observations on the state and interdisciplinarity of onomastic terminology




scientific terminology, onomastic terminology, onomastics, interdisciplinarity


The article presents an overview of the use of onomastic terminology as a branch of onomastics, which allows onomastic phenomena and concepts to be encoded using formally and semantically unified scientific terms. At the same time, the author puts forward the thesis of the interdisciplinarity of this type of terminology. On the one hand, the interdisciplinarity results from the very nature of onomastics as a science often situated on the borderlines of various disciplines; on the other hand, it is also a property perpetuated by the interest and “external” use of onomastic terms (in specialist and general communication). In this dimension, one also perceives a kind of aberration and attempts to use terms that are new or that suggest incorrect scientific meanings excessively or inadequately with onomastics findings. This is a very topical issue being dealt with in an international context with the participation of institutions set up for this purpose, such as ICOS.


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How to Cite

Gałkowski, A. (2024). Some observations on the state and interdisciplinarity of onomastic terminology. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 58(1), 9–28.